

Welcome, and first of all thanks for your interest in me!

My name is Gabriel (he/him). I started publishing here in the format of a GitHub repo, as a means to create a journal of sorts during my college years, also trying to help fellow students by sharing all the new techniques I had been learning, or writing about stories I had discovered fascinating enough, or simply writing about topics I wanted to get further knowledge on to also practice and improve my writing skills. Thanks to the success of the initial posts and amazing feedback from my peers, I decided to invest more time and effort in turning the blog into a whole website to give something back to the community.

At the time of first publishing the website, I was a First-year BEng Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics Edinburgh Napier University associate student, and member of ENUSEC. I was getting re-trained from a 11 years long business, marketing and hospitality background pursuing the yearned dream of becoming a pentester.

Family and economic needs obligated me to push harder than hard to condense four years of study into one and skip the university experience. Although I felt I was going to miss out the uni experience, I was given a golden opportunity to show my talent and I got hired as a Junior Security Consultant at NCC Group, where you can further read my blog about my experience going through the Next Generation Talent Programme: NCC Group.

I’m not very fond of social media, so should you want to contact me, your best bet is via email; you can find it on the left-hand side panel. Don’t be shy, I am approachable and I will me more than happy to speaking with you!

© 2022 Subtle Labs. All rights reserved. Made with love and coffee from somewhere near Edinburgh, UK.